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PPM Detailed Learning Outcomes

Information about the Programme in Project Management (PPM)

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

Programme content

The programme comprises of the following modules:

  1. Project management principles, practices and scheduling;
  2. The people side of project management;
  3. Project procurement and contract management;
  4. Legal aspects for project managers;
  5. Project quality management;
  6. Project risk management;
  7. Financial principles and project cost management;
  8. Project management in the business context.

Limited tailoring to the content has been made for in-house presentations at companies, specifically ones listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

The learning approach

A practical, skills development approach to project management training is followed.

Real-world, applied assignments are done by each candidate (for example developing of project plans, preferably within the learner’s workplace).

As project management is a multi-disciplinary field, facilitation is done from different perspectives by at least eight different lecturers. Their backgrounds are in fields as diverse as Engineering, Law, Industrial psychology, and Finance. Each of them has a wealth of practical experience as well as excellent academic credentials.

Practical work is performed in each learner’s workplace (in some cases other projects can be used). The assignments done in the workplace thus provide some tailoring to each individual candidate’s work environment.

People from a wide variety of diverse backgrounds are admitted to the PPM; the training is on generic project management that is not limited to any specific field such as Engineering, IT or Construction.

Assessment of learning

Proficiency is assessed on each of the eight modules individually. Assessment is mainly by means of practical assignments (group assignments and especially individual assignments) although the writing of a limited number of tests is sometimes also required.

In order to obtain the certificate, a candidate must achieve a mark of at least 50% on each of the eight modules.

Synopsis per module (subject to change without notification)

Project management principles, practices & scheduling
Objective and outcome of the module

To provide an introduction to projects and project management.

To enable the learners to initiate a project and identify and analyse the stakeholders.

To familiarise learners with the principles of the project lifecycle, phases and milestones.

To enable learners to involve stakeholders and develop a Scope Statement in the workplace in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders.

To enable learners to manage changes to the scope of a project.

To develop a WBS and Work Packages.

To identify roles and responsibilities of team members and other stakeholders.

To schedule a project in the workplace and to allocate resources.

To develop a basic project plan (including a Scope Statement, WBS, Work Packages, a Schedule and a basic Resource Workload Histogram).

To perform basic project control.

To familiarise learners with the basic principles, benefits and limitations of systems such as MS Project and others.

Each individual is expected to relate topics covered in the course to his/her own work environment. The individual assignment provides the necessary motivation to ensure that the concepts are applied in the workplace.

Application exercises / case studies used during the module to test application & insight of learners
  1. At least three syndicate exercises.
  2. Several other exercises are done and problems solved individually and then discussed in class.
  3. Some cases are briefly discussed in class.
Nature of the assessment
An Individual Assignment done in the workplace accounts for 100% of the mark.
Integration management
The basic project plan that is developed in the workplace serves as basis for the integrated Project Execution Plan (PEP) that is developed in the last module.
The people side of project management
Objective and outcome of the module

To increase knowledge and understanding of team dynamics with the aim of improving project teams.

To gain self-knowledge in order to improve as project manager and leader.

To learn how to utilise a team to collectively make decisions and solve problems.

To improve conflict and change management skills.

Application exercises / case studies used during the module to test application & insight of learners
  1. Syndicate exercises:
    1. Team activities in class, which serve as a basis for the analysis of their own team behaviour and development areas.
    2. Study and application of problem solving techniques in a small group context.
  2. Learners complete and interpret psychometric self-assessment instruments on:
    1. Situational leadership,
    2. Conflict handling styles and
    3. Informal team roles.
Nature of the assessment

Syndicate assignments completed during contact time accounts for 20% of the individual mark.

Individual assignments consist of two parts:

  1. Self- reflection and identification of personal improvement areas (30% of the mark).
  2. Analysing a workplace team in order to make recommendations to improve the team (50% of the mark).
Integration management
The module provides an input to the integrated Project Execution Plan (PEP) that is developed in the last module.
Project procurement and contract management
Objective and outcome of the module

Overall objectives:

To introduce Project Procurement Management.

To identify the components of Project Procurement Management and the links among the different components.

To make learners aware of the application of the above in specific companies.

To specifically introduce:

  1. the background to purchasing and supply,
  2. the topic of “Procurement Management“
  3. Purchasing & Supply Management,
  4. Project” Procurement Management and its components.

To apply the procurement definition to each learner’s company / division / SBU.

To sequence activities that precede the contract.

To apply a conventional project procurement process.

To manage expectations of the client and the contractor.

To manage Time, Cost and Quality constraints.

To understand the integration of different levels of procurement.

To highlight the context of the different Business Units (integration).

Application exercises / case studies used during the module to test application & insight of learners
Examples e.g. Gautrain Contracting Model (PPP)and/orToll road Contracting Model (PPP).
Nature of the assessment
Class test (100%)
Integration management

Procurement is put in perspective as one of the PMBoK knowledge areas.

The module provides an input to the integrated Project Execution Plan (PEP) that is developed in the last module.

Legal aspects for project managers
Objective and outcome of the module

To provide learners with an introduction to law and the role of legal aspects within the project management environment.

To enable students to identify the important concept of binding legal obligations.

To provide an input on the law of contract and basic contract management, the law of purchase and sale (procurement) and the law pertaining to the delivery of professional services (construction, engineering and related services).

To provide students with an application of these basic principles on the specific contracts used within their employer’s specialised industry.

To enable learners to negotiate a contract and contract amendments.

To enable learners to identify contract risks and provide for additional contractual remedies.

To enable learners to identify breach of contract and to respond by executing and implementing remedies in law, and additional negotiated remedies.

To familiarise learners with the SA Labour Law, including the concepts of unfair discrimination and affirmative action, BBBEE, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Optional: To familiarise learners with legal aspects related to safety in the workplace.

Application exercises / case studies used during the module to test application & insight of learners

All discussions on law of contract are based on and supplemented by case law and examples of contracts and issues from industry. Similarly, discussions on labour law are supplemented by real-life examples.

Students provide input of own experience relating to various issues, followed by group discussions on the relevant legal principles.

Nature of the assessment
Individual assignments accounts for 100% of the evaluation mark. Contract Law covers 60% of the assignment, and Labour law 40%.
Integration management

The module provides an input to the module on Project Risk Management, the module on Project Procurement and Contract Management and finally the integrated Project Execution Plan (PEP) that is developed in the last module.

The module also integrates legal aspects of the management of project team members with aspects taught in the People-Management module.

Project quality management
Objective and outcome of the module

The objective of this module is to create awareness of quality as an integrating tool (rather than a subset of management) and to develop participants’ skills in order to improve their overall ability to delivering better quality projects.

Each individual is expected to relate topics covered in the course to his/her own work environment, with specific emphasis on the individual assignment.

Course outcomes include:

  1. A thorough understanding of the origin of quality as a management science,
  2. A thorough understanding of the different quality frameworks and their functioning,
  3. To integrate quality principles into the planning phases of their projects and processes,
  4. To integrate quality principles into the design and development phases of their projects and processes,
  5. Understanding and apply different quantitative tools and techniques on selected problems, and
  6. A thorough understanding of the framework of ISO standards and have it fits into the project environment.
Application exercises / case studies used during the module to test application & insight of learners

In-class syndicate exercises include the following:

  1. Drafting of a Quality Framework.
  2. Applying the framework to selected case studies.
  3. Group and individual exercises on quality tools such as Pareto diagrams, histograms, quality distributions, etc.
Nature of the assessment
Group assignment (30%) and individual assignment (70%).
Integration management
The module provides an input to the integrated Project Execution Plan (PEP) that is developed in the last module.
Project risk management
Objective and outcome of the module

The overall objective of this module is to obtain the required knowledge of project risk management, with an emphasis on the tools, techniques, procedures and processes to manage risks within a project.

To apply the steps of the project risk management process (typically the PMBoK or similar process).

To use various techniques to identify risks for projects in the learner’s work environment.

To quantify project risks in terms of probability and consequence.

To rank risk events through sorting.

To map and prioritise the risks and select the critical risks.

To develop effective responses to the critical risks.

To develop skills to monitor and control risks during project execution.

Application exercises / case studies used during the module to test application & insight of learners

Group activity/exercise on the application of the risk management process on projects.

Brainstorming exercise in small groups in class to identify risks for a given project.

Discussion of a number of cases (successful projects) for which risk management was applied, e.g.

  • Oresund bridge in Denmark,
    • Big Dig in Boston,
    • Curiosity Mars lander by Nasa.
Nature of the assessment
An individual assignment is done on a work-related project and each learner has to develop a risk response plan for his/her project. The assignment accounts for 100% of the mark.
Integration management
The module provides an input to the integrated Project Execution Plan (PEP) that is developed in the last module.
Financial principles and project cost management
Objective and outcome of the module

The objectives of this module include:

  1. To familiarise learners with the important elements of capital investment decisions and to enable them to compute the net cash flows associated with capital investment decisions.
  2. To familiarise learners with the role of the time value of money in the financial evaluation of capital investment projects.
  3. To apply the theoretical knowledge, concepts and techniques to the making of capital investment decisions.
  4. To develop a framework for the financial evaluation of capital investment projects in the work environment.
  5. To obtain and assimilate knowledge of project cost management from the perspective of a non-financial manager.
  6. To illustrate how to work with others in order to collect, analyse, critically evaluate and integrate information on capital investment decisions.
Application exercises / case studies used during the module to test application & insight of learners

Group exercises:

  1. Using a practical case study to demonstrate the importance of the time value of money in financial decision making.
  2. Using a practical case study to demonstrate the financial evaluation of a capital investment project.

Class exercises:

  1. Several problem solving exercises are done individually in class.
Nature of the assessment
An individual assignment that consists of various short questions and essay type questions accounts for 100% of the mark.
Integration management
The basic knowledge gained on the principles of financial decision–making and cost management provides an input to the integrated Project Execution Plan (PEP) that is developed in the last module.
Project management in the business context.
Objective and outcome of the module

The objectives of this part of the programme are two-fold:

  1. To integrate the concepts learned during previous modules of the PPM.
  2. To view project management as a management discipline and establish the requirements for implementing project management successfully in organisations.
  3. At the end of this module each learner should be able to:
  4. Develop a project proposal.
  5. Compile an integrated Project Execution Plan (PEP) [or Project Plan (PP) – to use the latest ISO terminology].
  6. Integrate the various concepts of project management into a coherent whole.
Application exercises / case studies used during the module to test application & insight of learners

A comprehensive group assignment covers all aspects of PEP development.

For companies such as Group 5 (Ltd) the final presentation of these plans by the groups are attended and assessed by a panel consisting of members of the Executive Committee as well as one or two academics.

Nature of the assessment
Group assignment (30%) and individual assignment (70%)
Integration management
This module serves as final integration of the total program.
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The PPM is recognized by the following:

  1. PMI (Project Management Institute) – USA and Globally
  2. ECSA (Engineering Council of SA)
  3. SACPCMP (South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions)
  4. SACNASP (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professionals)
  5. PMSA (Project Management South Africa)

On successful completion of the PPM, suitable candidates may be eligible to apply for the professional designation of Project Manager (PM) conferred by Project Management South Africa (PMSA). PMSA is the SAQA recognized professional body representing the interests of project managers across sectors.

Contact Information

Simbulele Mtshotane

Course Coordinator

All Administrative Matters
Tel no: +27 (0)12 434 2603
WhatsApp: 073 760 7402
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Mpolokeng Rammutloa

Programme Manager

Prof Herman Steyn

Course Leader

All Academic Matters
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