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Project Management Course Attracts International Interest

9 April 2013

“One-fifth of the world’s GDP, or more than $12 trillion, is spent on projects. And with many skilled practitioners leaving or scheduled to leave the workforce due to retirement — a trend the Society of Human Resources (SHRM) identifies as having a major strategic impact for 64% of organizations worldwide — there is a great demand for knowledgeable project managers. When these opportunities arise, certification helps make sure that you’ll be ready.” Project Management Institute

The ever popular Programme in Project Management (PPM) has received international interest from as far afield as Denmark, Mexico and the Netherlands. CE at UP and Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM), a registered education provider of the Project Management Institute (PMI) in the USA, have been offering the course since 1997.

According to Christina Breum from Denmark, “I searched for a project management course online and chose the PPM offered through the University of Pretoria because of its PMI certification.  I am a product manager [in Denmark] and I don’t work on huge projects like they do in South Africa such as construction but the tools and principles are the same. I will still be able to apply it when I get back home.  I have no doubt that I will benefit from the course and that it will enhance my career in Denmark.”

The programme in project management is based on international standards and best practices. It has been designed to develop delegates’ project management knowledge; skills and insight as well provide them with the tools and techniques necessary to succeed in the project management arena. According to Prof Herman Steyn, Course Leader, “Over the last decade we have witnessed an increasing realisation of the vital role that projects play in unlocking value for shareholders. More emphasis on the principles and less on procedures should be the next step.”

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The PPM is recognized by the following:

  1. PMI (Project Management Institute) – USA and Globally
  2. ECSA (Engineering Council of SA)
  3. SACPCMP (South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions)
  4. SACNASP (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professionals)
  5. PMSA (Project Management South Africa)

On successful completion of the PPM, suitable candidates may be eligible to apply for the professional designation of Project Manager (PM) conferred by Project Management South Africa (PMSA). PMSA is the SAQA recognized professional body representing the interests of project managers across sectors.

Contact Information

Simbulele Mtshotane

Course Coordinator

All Administrative Matters
Tel no: +27 (0)12 434 2603
WhatsApp: 073 760 7402
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Mpolokeng Rammutloa

Programme Manager

Prof Herman Steyn

Course Leader

All Academic Matters
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