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A. Bezuidenhout, H. Steyn and S. Pretorius

This paper identifies the essential support functions of project management offices (PMO) for various organisational project management maturity (OPMM) levels. A case study of a South African petrochemical company compares a PMO within the company with a small projects department that is not supported by a PMO. OPMM development drivers and essential PMO support functions are identified for both structures. It is proposed that the requirements of essential PMO support functions depend on the OPMM level, but are also affected by business needs. The highest OPMM level is not required for every organisation, as the optimum OPMM level depends on the specific business’ requirements.
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Brighton Tshuma, Cornelis Cristo van Waveren & Herman Steyn

Project management offices (PMOs) play both mediating (facilitating) and moderating (supporting) roles in knowledge transfer (KT) between projects. The mediating role of the PMO has been addressed elsewhere while this article investigates the supporting role of the PMO in the transfer of tacit and explicit knowledge. The article thus contributes to the scant literature on the supporting role of PMOs in KT. Cases of five PMOs were investigated through 15 semi-structured interviews and three KT enablers were identified namely:
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D. Nhubunga, H. Steyn & S. Pretorius

Project sponsors play significant roles at the stage gates of project life cycle models (PLCMs). However, research on the roles that sponsors play at stage gates, and the attributes required of the sponsor, are sparse.

This study investigated the roles played by government and municipal sponsors at the PLCM stage gates of a water utility, and identified the attributes that the sponsor should have as well as the challenges they face. A case study approach was employed, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with relevant stakeholders.
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S. Pretorius, H. Steyn & T.J. Bond-Barnard

This paper examines whether organisations in a developing country have matured over time in their project management practices by comparing current practices to the findings of a similar study conducted in 2010. It contributes to the limited literature on project management maturity in developing countries. Six hundred responses to a project management maturity questionnaire were analyzed, covering 9,389 projects. The findings reveal that the perceived average project management maturity declined from a score of 2.88 in 2010 to 2.64 in 2020. Nevertheless, the majority of the surveyed projects were still regarded as successful.
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S. Pretorius, H. Steyn & T.J. Bond-Barnard

With increasing ‘projectification’ of organizations, the relationship between project management maturity and project success is likely to become more pertinent. However, consensus on this relationship is lacking. This paper investigates the relationship between project management maturity levels and project success. Purposive sampling was used to distribute an online, structured questionnaire and, for economic reasons, it was decided to stop the survey when 600 responses were received.
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S. Pretorius, T.J. Bond-Barnard and H.Steyn

An increased interest in project management over the last decade resulted in a greater adoption of international standards, increased academic research, and in training on project management concepts. However, studies continue to show lower than satisfactory project success rates. This paper aims to determine the current levels of project success in Africa, as well as the extent that project manager competency influences project success. Six hundred survey responses, reporting on 9 389 projects executed in various Southern African countries, were analyzed statistically.
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Project managers work in a large variety of different industries of which Construction and IT are frequently mentioned, but Facility Management (FM) is an area that also employs many project managers. The FM discipline involves the management of existing buildings and equipment of organizations over the entire economic spectrum and the whole lifecycle of a facility. Facility managers can be seen as operations managers and project managers that specialize in the management of facilities of all organizations that own or use facilities, especially facilities in the built environment. They ensure that the facility contribute optimally to the strategic goals of the organization.
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Willem Louw, Herman Steyn, Jan Wium & Wim Gevers


Purpose – Executive sponsors play a significant role in the success of megaprojects which, in turn, affect national economies and millions of people. However, the literature on the requisite attributes of project sponsors on megaprojects is still sparse. The purpose of the paper is to provide guidelines to company boards and executives who are tasked to appoint suitable executive sponsors to megaprojects. Thus, the paper contributes to the sparse literature on megaproject sponsors.
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Brighton Tshuma, Herman Steyn & Cornelis Cristo van Waveren

Purpose – This article describes advances in the study of knowledge transfer (KT) in project-based organizations (PBOs). Project management offices (PMOs) have both a moderation role and a mediation role to play in KT between projects. In order to improve KT between projects, this paper explores the mediation role of the PMO in the transfer of knowledge with different levels of articulability. The aim is to improve the usability of transferred knowledge.
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Rajeshree Moodley, Herman Steyn & Taryn Jane Bond-Barnard

Africa's economic growth depends on direct foreign investment, primarily through global projects. However, literature on success factors for global/cross-border projects in Africa is non-existent. This paper reports on a study of ten projects, with a combined value of US$680 million, executed by a South African company in six other African countries. Best practices and success factors for cross-border projects were investigated, using a modified nominal group technique, a Delphi survey and thematic analysis.
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Brighton Tshuma, Herman Steyn & Corro Van Waveren

A conceptual model for the role of a project management office (PMO) in improving the usability of knowledge that is transferred between projects is proposed, and a method to investigate the role of PMOs in knowledge transfer is validated. The case of a PMO in a multinational engineering company was selected, and 24 codes within three themes were identified through qualitative data analysis of a semi-structured interview. Provisional support was found for three propositions related to three variables: the articulability of knowledge, the usability of knowledge, and the role of the PMO. The study fine-tuned a case study protocol for future investigation of the role of PMOs in improving the usability of knowledge that is transferred between projects.
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Theophelus Kagogo & Herman Steyn

Although project scope definition is regarded as a key element in successful project management, research on the subject is sparse. This paper investigates the relationship between project scope readiness and project performance in the Namibian mining industry. A survey was done on ten projects from seven Namibian mining companies, using the project definition readiness index (PDRI) tool as a scope definition indicator, while cost and schedule performance were used as performance indicators. Support was found for the proposition that readiness of project scope definition improves schedule performance, but the relationship between the PDRI score and cost performance was less conclusive.
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  1. PMI (Project Management Institute) – USA and Globally
  2. ECSA (Engineering Council of SA)
  3. SACPCMP (South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions)
  4. SACNASP (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professionals)
  5. PMSA (Project Management South Africa)

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