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what is a project?

PPM South Africa

Through the ages, mankind undertook many different kinds of projects. Ancient projects typically involved construction and resulted in structures such as the pyramids, the Great Wall of China and cathedrals in Europe. In modern times man continued to build physical structures such as buildings, roads, bridges and railway systems and also developed a vast range of products such as motor cars and electronic equipment and even undertook space travel. All these endeavours involved projects.

Project management developed in the engineering industry and is still part-and-parcel of the work of most engineers in all parts of the world. The construction industry, aerospace and defence industries contributed significantly to the develop­ment of this discipline. However, project management also proved to be very effective in many other situations where change and uncertainty prevail. The result is that, during the last number of decades, project management has found wide application outside the engineering profession and can hardly be seen as purely an engineering discipline any more.

Project management principles are used in the IT industry, it is used to create and improve production facilities, for financial and other audits, to produce movie films, to change the structure of organisations, to organise conferences and to manage political campaigns, military operations and sports events such as the FIFA 2010 World Cup. Within your lifetime you will probably undertake a number of small projects such as a wedding, holidays, renovating a house and moving into another house.

Definition of a project:

A project is any planned, temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique , high-quality product, service or other complete and definite outcome (result or deliverable) within a limited time scale and with limited resources – a limited budget.

Projects normally require the mobilisation of resources from a number of different functions (or disciplines).

Excerpt from: Project Management – a multi-disciplinary approach, edited by Herman Steyn.

Copyright © 2002, 2008, 2012. Funda Project Management (Pty) Ltd.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied or distributed in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or likewise), or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior, written approval of the publisher.

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The PPM is recognized by the following:

  1. PMI (Project Management Institute) – USA and Globally
  2. ECSA (Engineering Council of SA)
  3. SACPCMP (South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions)
  4. SACNASP (South African Council for Natural Scientific Professionals)
  5. PMSA (Project Management South Africa)

On successful completion of the PPM, suitable candidates may be eligible to apply for the professional designation of Project Manager (PM) conferred by Project Management South Africa (PMSA). PMSA is the SAQA recognized professional body representing the interests of project managers across sectors.

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Simbulele Mtshotane

Course Coordinator

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Mpolokeng Rammutloa

Programme Manager

Prof Herman Steyn

Course Leader

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